As software systems become an ever more important part of everyday life, the dependability of systems is becoming ever more critical.
Students attend two of the three universities during the course, spending one year at each. Annual summer schools are an important element of the course, and these take place at a different university each year. On successful completion of the course, students are awarded a Joint M.Sc. degree by a consortium of the three universities; the course is accredited in all three countries.
The DEPEND programme is intended for a small number of highly-qualified, highly-motivated international students. Entry is competitive, and in order to maintain a good professor/student ratio, up to 25 students will be selected for entry to the course each year.
Courses are taught through English only. The admission criteria are: A high honours degree in Computer Science, or a very closely related discipline (with a grade equivalent to at least II.1, B, or assez bien) Non-native speakers of English must provide proof of an acceptable knowledge of English (for example, IELTS of at least 6.5, or equivalent) The application deadline (for scholarships) of 8th March 2019, and for non-scholarship applications of 1st June 2019. Please contact Maynooth University by email at Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. with any questions about the programme.
Further details at